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Saturday, 7 October 2017

Inventory Stock input and Output process

Its a demonstration of Stock Input and Out put.

The  Video displaying following steps:

1: Creating item type,brand,size and Item with selling price.

2: Now after creating product or Item we have to purchase this same item from vendor at our own price

3: During purchase GST details can be calculated  and save that purchase in your Stocks.

4: Now as your stock is filled with your purchased product now you are ready to sale that item to your customer.

5: You can check your stock in stock display area.

6: Select your customer or create your customer and sale the same product and check that stock is reflected with one product minus.

All gst details are calculated in your sale panel while saling

One Time installation price is only 6000 /-    no yearly charges . We giving you monthly maintenance and  new updation free of cost.

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