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Friday, 18 January 2013

My another experience.....

Yet Another day i learn a  experience from a incident... took place with one of my friend.
i saw many peoples always asked and take different kind of help from him.. Let me introduce this fellow the guy is a kind hearted guy ,honest ,straight mind and also stand for every kinds of help which came to his limits. HE always help his close friends and also remember them .He even help some friends which make laugh of him in his college days .He help them in their bad days...and he also participated in thier celebrations. But i saw when a small special day came of him not a single freinds remember him or participated in his celebration.... it seems  and i guess if that guy will fall in trouble  in future no budy willl help him definetly.

So the moral of the story  i learn is Don't ever help free to others just do for those persons who did for you. Who really cares you, Who don't have jelosy tendency in their mind and last who realy LOVE U.

Thursday, 17 January 2013

Ayurvedic treatment with jari buti in moyra

Few months ago i was visted to a place called Moyra.It is situated in a small village of Bishnupur district of west Bengal India.
Why i am sharing my trip is a bit intresting. There i found a amazing Old age Indian Type treatment of jari buti or ayurvedic was going on a deep forest and given to the patients.
When i asked some people about why they are taking such type of treatment in the age of 2013 they told me that they all lost hope with doctors.But when they started taking these jari buti or ayurvedic they become well and cure now.
By further investigating i found some cancer patient, mirgi patient , some patient having  bad injuries also doing their treatment and getting day by day good result.I found that people from big near by small and big cities was comming over there for their treatment.